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Business Partners

The Walton County Work-Based Learning and Youth Apprenticeship Program is an education option that prepares high school students for the world of work through a combination of academic and workplace learning. It is based on the belief that our youth must be better prepared for the future if they are to be successful in a competitive, global economy.

​"The most important component to any business's success and prosperity is a competent and skilled workforce. By pooling the resources of these two groups, [schools and business] we can help ensure that businesses have the educated, qualified, and skilled workers they need to keep America
globally competitive." (Arthur Rothkopf, Senior VP, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

Partnerships enhance academic achievement and connect student learning to the world of work. Business partners can also provide volunteers needed for career related events (mock interviews, career fairs, etc.), feedback on curriculum and even financial support.

School partnerships benefit students by:

  • Enhancing student achievement, attendance, and motivation.

  • Connecting students to caring, employed adults from businesses and the community.

  • Providing contextual learning.

  • Connecting the classroom to the outside world.


School partnerships benefit teachers and schools by:

  • Attracting new volunteers and financial support to the schools.

  • Helping teachers meet curriculum standards.

  • Providing opportunities for student performance packages.

  • Providing opportunities for professional development.

  • Helping schools fulfill school improvement plans. 


School partnerships benefit businesses by: 

  • Providing a source of competent, skilled workers. 

  • Opening lines of communication to help with problem solving. 

  • Enabling employees to develop rewarding mentor relationships. 

  • Building better relationships with local citizenry.


School partnerships benefit the community by: 

  • Expanding community volunteerism and engagement with youth. 

  • Supporting and enhancing the quality of life in the community. 

  • Helping students develop marketable skills to prepare them for their future roles as employees, customers, and vendors.


See and sign up for the various ways in which you can partner with our WBL program to enrich our students' experiences. Also, visit our state WBL website for statewide information and initiatives. 

Job Interview
Interested in hiring a student? 

The success of the Work-Based Learning program is primarily based on the quality of the placement of the student in a business and the instruction that the student receives as part of the  work-based learning is the designated mentor.

An integral part of the work-based learning is a supportive adult, referred to as a mentor, who is linked with the student learner. A mentor provides guidance and encouragement to the youth apprentice as well as being involved in the teaching of work tasks and job responsibilities to the student.


Many different individuals may be involved in teaching a youth apprentice or a single person may take on the entire responsibility depending upon the size of the business.  In either case, one individual in a business is usually designated as the mentor.

Advisory Committee

The advisory committee meets two times per year. Invitations will be sent in advance each semester with the details. The advisory committee is an integral part of the WBL program to discuss industry trends, workforce needs, and other initiatives that benefit both local businesses and students.   

Business Meeting
Get Involved in our Schools

Student Job Placements: We are always looking for new businesses and organizations for our WBL students to work and intern with. Students can work 7.5 - 22.5 hours a week (paid or unpaid) to gain valuable real-world work experience and help your business at the same time.


Mock Interviews: Help prepare students to be successful in their future interviews by conducting mock interviews and providing valuable feedback to the students. 

Student Job Shadows: High school students will come visit you and spend 4 hrs or 8 hrs to observe your employees at work. Students get the opportunity to see what the work environment is like, ask questions about different jobs, and get a better understanding if this is a career they would like to pursue.


Guest Speaker: Come share your work experiences (or sign up a co-worker!) with students. Visit for a class period or for the day. We’ll put you in a related classroom subject so that you can help inform students about today’s industry trends and work expectations.

Mentor Students with CTSO Competition: Career Tech Student Organizations, such as DECA, HOSA, FBLA, and SkillsUSA, have competitions in which students train and compete in different events. Mentor a student to help them prepare for competition in your related area.

Participate in Job/Career Events: Many high and middle schools host events to help prepare students for getting a job. Mock interviews, career day guest speakers, or job fairs helps students explore the various career options available.


Business Donation: It is wonderful to be able to reward students for accomplishments with a coupon for a free item or other small gift. Larger donations can also be used as a fundraiser for silent auctions, raffles, or scholarships. Items can include your business information on them.


Sponsor an Event: Each year we have special events such as CTAE week to highlight and honor the CTAE program in the schools. If you would like to sponsor an event that week or other special events, please let us know. Examples: Appreciation breakfast, Pizza party, small gifts/promotional items, etc. 

Thank you for considering these options! Please complete the "Partner with WBL" form if you are interested. 

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY:  It is the policy of the School Boards participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Program to offer the opportunity to students to participate in appropriate programs and activities without regard to color, creed, national origin (Title VI of the 1972 Educational Amendments), handicap (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and PL94-142) or sex (Title II of the Educational Amendments of 1976 and PL194-482).

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